20 June 2010

Happy Father's Day!

For the record, I love my dad! It's great to be able to be here with him this year for Father's Day, especially after missing the past two. As a family we talked about how my brother and I haven't both been together with my dad on Father's day for nearly a decade due to one of us always living overseas for the past 8 years.

Here are just a few reasons I love my daddy:
1. He loves the Lord with all His heart, soul, mind and strength.
2. He loves my mom devotedly.
3. He loves and prays regularly for my brother, Mark and me.
4. He isn't perfect but is willing to ask for forgiveness when he's wrong.
5. He's super silly and fun! (see photo with pink shirt - this week was VBS and he promised the kids he'd wear a pink shirt [he hates pink BTW] if they got over 400 kids this week - they were close so he agreed to still wear one.  His staff picked this out for him and he wore it today to church. What a trooper!)
6. He's modeled Christ, His Kingdom and ways to us since we were young.


1 comment:

Kate E. said...

I'm just impressed that your dad wore that shirt out in public! :)